For recent updates to this dataset, please see


Principal Investigators:
Lyle Scruggs
Kati Kuitto
Detlef Jahn

The Comparative Welfare Entitlements Dataset (CWED) contains information about the structure and generosity of social insurance benefits in 33 countries around the world. Since September 2017, an updated version of CWED 2 containing a total of eight household types is available. The data contained here are an updated and extended version of CWED 1, which has been available since 2004.

This web site allows you to download customized portions of the CWED 2 data, browse the Working Paper Series or access documentary material.


June 22, 2017 Updated list of scientific works and papers is available

More than 200 peer-reviewed scientific works are using CWED2 data. You can access an updated of all books, papers, and chapters in edited volumes using our dataset here.

June 09, 2017 Forthcoming publications from CWED members

New publications by all principal investigators will be published soon. For more info on publications of CWED members, see Publications.

March 07, 2016 New CWED Working Paper available

CWED Working Paper No. 5 on "The Nordic model and the oil nation" by Roberto Iacono is available now.

January 19, 2016 Two new CWED Working Paper available

CWED Working Paper No. 3 on "Coalitions and Compensation: The Case of Unemployment Benefit Duration" by Carlo Knotz and Johannes Lindvall and No. 4 on "Election Campaign Agendas, Government Partisanship, and the Welfare State" by Niklas Jakobsson and Staffan Kumlin are available now.


Please refer to the data as:

Scruggs, Lyle, Detlef Jahn, and Kati Kuitto. 2017. “Comparative Welfare Entitlements Dataset 2. Version 2017-09.” University of Connecticut & University of Greifswald.

Please refer to the codebook as:

Scruggs, Lyle, Detlef Jahn, and Kati Kuitto. 2017. “Comparative Welfare Entitlements Dataset 2 Codebook. Version 2017-09.” University of Connecticut & University of Greifswald.